How I Eat for My Competition

Rob and I are 17 weeks out from the OCB Pot of Gold Competition, here in Las Vegas.
If you have seen my blog before, you will notice that Rob prepares a lot of food on the grill.
Moving from Missouri to Las Vegas has given us even more opportunity to prep outside.
We can grill outside all year round!! Rob has a smoker and huge grill now.
Smoking is one of our very favorite things.

This isn’t just one week of prep. These are just some of the things he has grilled for us.

Before I started prep, Rob still grilled. He always does. But listen.. I was eating way more
deserts, and snack foods.

I have been a person who has always struggled with belly fat. I wasn’t a thin teenager either.
I’m not actually a ‘thin’ person. But I’m not mad about it. I always look curvy and luscious.

However, when I decide to do a competition, I dial it in like a boss. This year was
really a game changer.

I am now post menopausal and frankly, my metabolism has slowed down.
We also, all had our blood work done and found out our blood sugar was too high.

I was astounded. In fact, I was blown away because all three of our family had
high blood sugar and was teetering on pre-diabetes. We literally don’t eat bad.
We always train hard. We don’t smoke or drink alcohol. It was shocking.

It was shocking because when you get that high blood sugar reading they tell you how
to ensure it will stay low. Those things are, lose weight, work out, exercise, get your steps
in, don’t drink, don’t smoke. Our diet was NOT bad. I was really frustrated because I don’t
get it. Why are all three us of high in blood sugar!!

I started looking into the normal foods I have always eaten. Even my macro friendly prep food
now has even more “added sugar”. In fact, labels now have to show the ‘added sugar’.
A can of full on Redbull (not Sugar Free) is 38g Added Sugar.
Even my favorite protein bar had over 20g added sugar.

We immediately dialed in our food and reduced our added sugars in our food.
I keep mine below 25g of added sugar each day. In fact, I rarely eat any added sugar. If I do
it is absolutely before I begin my workout. I put that sugar to work in my training.

Look…These pics are just about a full month apart.

I thought this was a great outcome. It’s a good start to show prep.


I don’t love veggies but I love them from the grill.
We use eggplant a lot. I know that some coaches don’t want you to eat night shades really close to show. I have never had any issues with it but honestly, I generally eat a lot of zuc in the week or so before my show. It’s just easy and it works.

We are 17 weeks out so we are enjoying a lot of good variety. Rob made these veggies on the grill.
Cabbage, mushrooms and onions plus egg plant.

The egg plant and chicky can go right onto a dope pizza!!

Made with a flat out. It has fiber.


I do not eat ‘clean’. I am working with a plan that has great protein, nutrient dense foods and
I keep my added sugars very low. I am more concerned with my next blood test over my stage
body but so far, it’s working well for both.

My blog shows why I don’t believe in ‘clean’ food. You can search it!! I have lots of choices
that fit my macros and give me joy so I don’t feel deprived.

These are all from zero to 2g added sugar.

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